懒人外贸开发工具 > Google搜索入门




点此跳到正文部分 - 点此跳到搜索实践部分
  1. 简介
  2. 注意点
  3. 搜索参数
    1. 基本搜索参数
    2. 高级搜索参数
    3. 高级图片搜索参数
    4. 不同浏览器搜索参数
    5. 其他搜索参数
      1. 显示雷同内容
      2. Browse By Name功能,快速定位网址
  4. 基本操作符
    1. + 同时包含后面内容
    2. - 剔除后面内容
    3. OR 或者
    4. " " 引号内容完整搜索
    5. ~ 类似字词搜索
    6. * 通配符搜索
    7. .. Number Range
  5. 高级操作符
    1. 时间相关的搜索设置
      1. date: Last X Months
      2. daterange: Between Two Dates
      3. tbs=qdr: Limit by Time Period
    2. filetype: 指定搜索的文件类型
    3. site: 指定搜索某网站
    4. cache: 从google缓存里搜索
    5. link: 搜索谁链接到了指定网站
    6. related: 搜索和指定网站类似的网站
    7. info: 指定网站的网站信息
    8. define: 搜索关键词的定义
    9. stocks: 股票代码
    10. weather: 天气预报
    11. music: 搜索音乐
    12. movie: 搜索电影
    13. 搜索航班信息
  6. 与页面SEO有关的搜索
    1. allintitle: 寻找页面标题中包含所查所有关键字的网页,顺序可以不一样
    2. intitle: 寻找页面标题包含搜索关键字的网页
    3. allintext: 在页面的文本中查找所有提交的关键字
    4. intext: 在页面的文本中查找提交的关键字
    5. allinurl: 在页面的URL中查找所有的关键字
    6. inurl: 在页面的URL中查找字符串
    7. allinanchor: 在链接的描述文本中查找所有的关键字
    8. inanchor: 在链接的描述文本中查找关键字
  7. Google Calculator Guide
    1. Basic Math
    2. Roots
    3. Trigonometry
    4. Logarithms, Base e
    5. Logarithms, Base 10
    6. Factorials
    7. Conversions
      1. Degrees and Radians
      2. Number Bases
      3. Distance
      4. Speed, Time and Temperature
      5. Currency
      6. Cooking
  8. Google Image Search
    1. Restricting image results
    2. Showing only images of a certain type
    3. Showing only images of a certain size
    4. Showing only images of a certain color
    5. Showing only images of a certain source
  9. 部分高级搜索案例


1. 简介

Welcome to the Google Advanced Search page.

This page is provided as a reference and a guide to using the advanced search operators that Google provides.
Most of the operators have a Google Search box pre-filled so you can see example results.

2. 注意点

3. 搜索参数

3.1. 最基本搜索参数


3.2. 高级搜索参数

Google advanced search sends the following URI to the server. Here is the decoding:
as_q=test (query string)
&hl=en (language)
&num=10 (number of results [10,20,30,50,100])
&as_epq= (complete phrase)
&as_oq= (at least one)
&as_eq= (excluding)
&lr= (language results. [lang_countrycode])
&as_ft=i (filetype include or exclude. [i,e])
&as_filetype= (filetype extension)
&as_qdr=all (date [all,M3,m6,y])
&as_nlo= (number range, low)
&as_nhi= (number range, high)
&as_occt=any (terms occur [any,title,body,url,links])
&as_dt=i (restrict by domain [i,e])
&as_sitesearch= (restrict by [site])
&as_rights= (usage rights [cc_publicdomain,cc_attribute,cc_sharealike,cc_noncommercial,cc_nonderived]
&safe=images (safesearch [safe=on,images=off])
&as_rq= (similar pages)
&as_lq= (pages that link)
&gl=us (2-digit country code in lowercase)


Note: Usage Rights does not seem to be available as a search operator.

3.3. 高级图像搜索参数

Google advanced image search sends the following URI to the server. Here is the decoding:

as_q= (query string)
&hl=en (language)
&as_epq= (complete phrase)
&as_oq= (at least one)
&as_eq= (excluding)
&imgtype= (restrict by image type)
&imgsz= (restrict by image size)
&imgc= (restrict by image color)
&as_filetype= (filetype extension)
&as_sitesearch= (restrict by [site])
&safe=off (safesearch [safe=on,images=off])

Image type, size and color restrictions are explained more in depth under the restricting image search results section.

3.4. 不同浏览器的搜索参数

Searching from Firefox


Searching from Internet Explorer 7.0.5730.11:


So far the only diference I can see is that the Firefox search allows images, where the Internet Explorer ones does not.

3.4. 其他搜索参数

3.4.1. 显示雷同搜索结果

Adding &filter=0 to the search URI will show similar results. This is the same as clicking the message

In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the X already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.

that is found on the last page of the results.

3.4.2. Browse By Name功能,快速定位网址

"Browse By Name" is a search method that first surfaced in the Google Toolbar. It was added to Firefox 2.0+ as the default search from the location bar. To use, it requires the following two parameters:


Thanks to Kevin Goodsell. Details from the 'Googles "Browse By Name" in Firefox' post at squarefree.com.

4. 基本操作符


4.1. + 和

Forces Google to include the word. Can be used with stop words, as in 'hand tools +distributor'.

4.2. - 剔除

Excludes the word, ensuring that it will not appear of result, as in 'hand tools -china'.
懒人工具的多项剔除搜索:-wiki -.edu -.gov -B2B -Marketplace -leads -platform -directory -member -buyers -China -Chinese -.cn -forum -yellowpages -online -shop -store -blog -youtube

4.3. OR 或者

Gives you a choice. You can have 'one' OR 'the other', as in 'sourcing OR procurement'. Remember that this operator must be in all CAPS. You can also use the symbol for OR, '|', known as the pipe, 'sourcing | procurement'.

4.4. " " 完整搜索引号里的关键词

Putting words in quotes talls Google to search for the complete phrase. This can also include stop words, as in "procurement manager".

4.5. ~ 近似关键词

Search for similar words, or synonyms. Searching search ~tips will returns results with 'help', 'guide', 'tutorial' etc.

4.6. * 通配符搜索

The '*' is called a wildcard. Searching for 'looking for *' will return results like 'looking for dogs', 'looking for cats' etc. You can also use the wildcard with phrases, such as "Los Angeles * jobs" to search for jobs in Los Angeles, etc.

4.7. .. 数字范围

Search within a range of numbers. Searching for 't-shirt $2..5' will find t-shirt between $2 and $5 dollars.

5. 高级搜索操作符

5.1. Time-based and Date-based

5.1.1. date: Last X Months

Search for 'new' pages Google added in the last X months, such as 'import date:3'
date: accepts 3, 6 and 12.

5.1.2. daterange: Between Two Dates

You may limit your search to an exact date of a "range" of dates that a page was added by Google. Dates must be entered in julian format.
Searching for 'google daterange:2453006-2453371' returns pages that Google indexed in the year 2004.

Date (DD/MM/YYYY): / /

5.1.3. tbs=qdr: Limit Results by Time Period

With Google's release of Search options you can now limit your search results by time period. The format is as follows:

&tbs=rltm:1 [real time results]
&tbs=qdr:s [past second]
&tbs=qdr:n [past minute]
&tbs=qdr:h [past hour]
&tbs=qdr:d [past 24 hours (day)]
&tbs=qdr:w [past week]
&tbs=qdr:m [past month]
&tbs=qdr:y [past year]

As an example, Results for 'Google' within the last day (https://www.google.com/search?q=google&tbs=qdr:d) will return search results for Google from the last 24 hours (1 day).
Of special interest is the real-time search option. By adding &tbs=rltm:1 to your search URI you can choose real-time results.
For example, the search for Google results in real-time (https://www.google.com/search?q=google&tbs=rltm:1) will return real-time results for 'Google' from blogs and Twitter©.

5.3. filetype: 搜索指定限制文件类型

Google will return files of this type.
Currently officially supported file types are pdf, ps, wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku, lwp, mw, xls, ppt, doc, wks, wps, wdb, wri, rtf, swf, ans, txt, but other are supported as well, like xml, cpp, java etc.

5.4. site: 搜索指定网站

Restricts the results to the given domain. site:linkedin.com will find all indexed pages on www.linkedin.com, while site:linkedin.com design will find all design-related pages on www.linkedin.com .
You can also find your supplemental results using this query: site:www.linkedin.com *** -sljktf.

5.5. cache: Google缓存

Displays the page from Google's saved cache. Other words in the search will be highlighted in the returned page.
Very helpful if a page is down or deleted.

Returns pages that link to the your search. link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google will list webpages with links pointing to wikipedia's page for Google.

5.7. related: 和指定网站类似的网站

Returns pages that Google thinks are related.

5.8. info: 网站信息

returns some informations about the given web page. Typically website and description.
Note the information below the results on this search

5.9. define: 搜索某词的定义

Searched for the the definition of a word.

5.10. stocks: Stock Symbols

5.11. weather: 天气预报

Returns the weather forcast.

5.12. music: Music Search

Returns track and album information for the search term.

5.13. movie: Movie Search

Returns all movies related to the search term given. Sample: movie:transformers
Clicking on a movie title allows you to pull showtimes. You can also find movies by locations: movie:nyc , movie 10015.

5.14. Flight Information

Search for flights inside USA using the airport code. sample: jfk lax

6. SEO-oriented Operators

6.1. allintitle: All Words In Title


6.2. intitle: Word In Title


6.3. allintext: All Words In Text


6.4. intext: Word in Text


6.5. allinurl: All Words In URL


6.6. inurl: Word In URL


6.7. allinanchor: All Words In Anchor


6.8. inanchor: Word In Anchor


7. Google Calculator Guide

7.1. + - * % ^ Basic Math

You can use Google as a calculator for basic math:

7.2. sqrt,nth root of x Roots

sqrt(49) returns 7, if you need non-square roots you can use for example 3th root of 27.

7.3. sin, cos, arctan, tan... Trigonometry

Google calculator supports various trigonometic functions, expecting a radians value, that can be expressed also using the pi constant: sin(pi/2), tan (2/3*pi)

7.4 ln Logarithm, Base e

Returns natural (base e) logarithm: ln(e^5)

7.5. log Logarithm, Base 10

Returns base 10 logarithm: log(100)

7.6. ! Factorials

Returns n factorial: 3!

Numbers can be entered also in hexadecimal, octal and binary base, using 0x, 0o and 0b prefixes, for example 5 +0xf+0b1001

7.7. Conversions

Google can do conversions too.

7.7.1. Degrees and Radians

in degrees
in radians

You can convert radians to degrees: pi/2 in degrees or convert degrees into radians: 90 degrees in radians

7.7.2. Number Bases

in hex
in binary
in octal
in decimal

You can convert to each of the given bases: 16 in hex , 16 in octal, 16 in binary, 0/11 in decimal
You can also use 2007 in roman numerals (in case you're building a temple and you need to know how to write the year on it)

7.7.3. Distance

You can use 100miles in km , 1m in mm, but also 200000 km in light-second etc.

7.7.4. speed, time, temperature

Google can convert speed, time and temerature.

7.7.5. Currency

3 € in $ or 3 euros in dollars

7.7.6. Cooking

Google can help with cooking...

8. Google Image Search

Google Image Search has advanced operators as well. They can be selected at Google's Advanced Image search page.

8.1. Showing Duplicate Content

Adding &filter=0 to the search URI will show similar results. This is the same as clicking the message

In order to show you the most relevant results, we have omitted some entries very similar to the X already displayed.
If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.

that is found on the last page of the results.

8.2. Showing only images of a certain type

Adding &imgtype= to the search URI lets you filter your results to a certain type:

  1. &imgtype=news (news only)
  2. &imgtype=face (faces only)
  3. &imgtype=photo (photos only)
  4. &imgtype=clipart (clipart only)
  5. &imgtype=lineart (lineart only)
8.3. Showing only images of a certain size

Adding &imgsz= to the search URI lets yout filter your results to a certain size:

  1. &imgsz=icon (small)
  2. &imgsz=small|medium|large|xlarge (medium)
  3. &imgsz=xxlarge (large)
  4. &imgsz=huge (large)

As you can see, using the URI, it is possible to filter the size further then you can with the options on the advanced search page.

8.4. Showing only images of a certain color

Adding &imgc= to the search URI lets yout filter your results to a certain color:

  1. &imgc=mono (black and white)
  2. &imgc=gray (grayscale)
  3. &imgc=color (full color) DEFAULT
8.5. Showing only images from a certain source

Add "source:life" to any Google image search and search only the LIFE photo archive. For example: https://images.google.com/images?q=Winter+Olympics+source:life will search the LIFE photo archive for images related to the Winter Olympics.



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